
A little deep-fried love.....

Pop-Corn Shrimp/Chicken
This yummy shrimp was a huge hit with my family! And the best part is...it's so EASY! We've also substituted chicken for the shrimp, and everyone LOVED it as well! 
1 lb.  cocktail shrimp/cubed chicken
1 c. flour
3 eggs
4-8 oz. cream cheese
1 T. chives 
1/2 t. chili powder
2 c. panko bread crumbs
1 c. parmesan cheese (grated)
1 t. garlic salt
oil to fry shrimp

Turn on deep fryer
rinse shrimp and make sure shell/tail is removed
mix together eggs, cream cheese, chives, chili powder - set aside mix together panko crumbs, parmesan cheese, garlic salt - set aside
coat shrimp in flour
dunk shrimp in egg mixture, covering thoroughly
roll coated shrimp in crumb/cheese mixture
deep fry shrimp
(you could also try baking the shrimp for a healthier alternative)
*Let the shrimp cool for a few minutes before serving*

and for a little extra love...
Deep-Fried Oreos

 These little devils are to die for! We only make them once in a GREAT while...but they are soooo yummy!

12 double-stuff oreos (any variety will work)
1 c. instant pancake mix (I use krusteaz)
1/2 - 1 c. water (I like a thinner batter so I use almost 1 c.)
2 T. sugar
powder sugar and chocolate syrup 

mix together pancake mix, water and sugar
coat the oreos in pancake mixture
deep fry oreos
immediately sprinkle with powder sugar
let cool slightly
serve plain or drizzle with chocolate syrup